Our Mission
Here at Siegescape, we are intrinsically motivated to make the Internet and the world a better place, and we honestly believe that we can have an impact. Fraud and abuse are everywhere, and are insanely costly. Fake, bot-driven reviews result in untold numbers of bad purchases. Social media account abuse may have impacted American elections. Spam has an estimated worldwide yearly cost in the tens of billions of dollars. Prescription drug fraud, and the opioid crisis that has emerged from it, is a public health nightmare, steals lives away, and costs over fifty billion dollars per year in America alone. Payments fraud costs hundreds of billions of dollars a year, and most of that cost is borne by the merchants - small and large businesses alike.
There are hundreds of other examples like these. Each one of these problems makes the world a worse place to live in. Siegescape is here to help make it better.
Our Story
Siegescape was born of our conversations with providers struggling with abuse. As practitioners ourselves, we were constantly trading notes at conferences (and over beers at nearby bars). Every conversation had the same feel: each provider was an island, going through the same struggles but dealing with them on their own.
The size of the provider was a pretty good indicator of how mature their solution would be. The bigger a provider got, the more acutely they felt the impact of abuse on their platform and their reputation, and the more sprawling, complex, and costly their solution would become. The big, mature implementations would be fractured along development lines. And these trends played out across disciplines, too - email providers, cybersecurity experts,
We felt that there should be a better way. A way to protect organizations that united different approaches, giving small providers the same quality of protecting that their big counterparts had been working on for years. A way to avoid constantly reinventing the wheel. And a way to build these protections in a way that produced value across the companies that used it, improving on the quality of the protections that a single provider could build.
So Siegescape was born. We have both seen and experienced the challenges of protecting organizations from abuse. We’re here to help.
Content attribution
This site makes use of several pieces of content generously provided under Creative Commons. Here are some links to the works.
“hosting” by Alice Design from the Noun Project
“automation” by Nhor from the Noun Project
“integration” by Gregor Cresnar from the Noun Project
“credit cart” by Larea from the Noun Project
“Privacy” by Gregor Cresnar from the Noun Project
“algorithm” by Juicy Fish from the Noun Project
“click” by Gregor Cresnar from the Noun Project
A big thank you to all the content providers for your hard work!